Mission Australia and Youth off The Streets, co-deliver the Get Connected program at Canterbury Boys. Students are selected by the school to attend this in-school program which focuses on building skills, to assist them in developing independence on their path to becoming young adults.
The Get Connected program is an 8 week program that runs during the year. It covers a variety of workshops including:
- self awareness and responsibility
- personal health care
- relationships
- critical thinking and risk taking
- employment
- life planning.
It aims to support students with additional social/life skills which will help to improve their current circumstances and future career goals. Students can receive certifications in first aid and a white card to assist with their prospective future employment, by joining this program.
What students are involved?
The Get Connected program targets students approximately 15 or 16 years of age. Referrals are made by the student support officer or school counsellor in collaboration with the deputy principals and the principal. Parents are made aware of the program by a permission note to attend. Attendance by students is voluntary.
If you would like additional information on this program, please contact our student support officer on 02 9798 8444.