Canterbury Boys High School

We demonstrate excellence in Boys' Education

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Religion and ethics

Special religious education

Special Religious Education (SRE) operates every Thursday morning for half an hour. We have two providers – Combined Islamic (AIES, ICNSW) and Combined Christian. No curriculum or extra curricular activities are offered to other students at this time.

All students who wish to attend SRE must have their permission note signed by a parent/carer and given to the office otherwise they will not be placed on the roll. If a student wishes to be exempt from SRE, they must hand in a note to the office from their parent/carer asking for their child to be removed from the roll.

For more detail about SRE curriculum information, please visit each provider's website:

- Combined Christian, the Think Faith (Stage 4-6) curriculum can be found at

- Combined Islamic,  the authorised curriculum scope and sequence can be found at